What Car Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

Decide how much liability coverage is enough for similar type of drivers.

Orlando Car Insurance

Whether you are looking for the market’s best car insurance services or plans, you must be prepared to search! Over the years, the number of auto insurance Orlando companies have increased drastically. There are hundreds of companies to choose from. This makes the hunt extremely tough. If you're driving records are poor, you will find the entire process tougher. With this being said, Orlando car insurance is a planned industry. You have to follow a structured process, take care of certain laws and make sure you work with the best auto insurance companies.

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Bodily Injury Liability Not required 100,000/300,000
Property Damage Liability 10,000 50,000
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Not required 10,000/20,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 250 deductible

In this short article, you will read about the city’s driving conditions and how to strike a good bargain.

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Safety Requirements In Orlando

Orlando has many standard safety requirements. Just like the other cities in the state of Florida, Orlando has seat belt laws. Every above the age of 18 should wear seat belts. This law comes from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. If a passenger is not wearing a seatbelt, the driver would be ticketed. All children below 5 years of age should be secured in restrained devices.

All motorist above 21 years of age should wear a helmet. If you are not up for a helmet, you must buy insurance worth 10,000 USD.

If you are caught texting while driving, you must pay a fine of 30 USD. Though the charges are minimal, a point will be added to your driving record. This will have an impact on your insurance premiums.

Everyone driving under influence in Orlando will be charged. On your first DUI offense, you will be charged 2000 USD. With the next few offenses, the fines and punishments will become worse.

Driving Conditions In Orlando

Traffic in Orlando becomes heavy and bad during the summer season. This is because many tourists flock into the city for their vacations. In and around Orlando, you will come across many tourist attractions. This includes parks and gardens. In the midst of heavy traffic, you are likely to spend several hours on the road. This is when you must be careful. Try to drive safe! Careful driving practices will help you reduce your insurance premiums. Also, good drivers receive plenty of discounts and deals from reputed car insurance companies in Florida. After all, good drivers are believed to be the less risky ones.

Crime Statistics In Orlando

When it comes to vehicle thefts in Orlando, the city is extremely safe. The city of Orlando ranks 108 for vehicle thefts. This means you are living in a friendly and a safe neighborhood. In the past few years, less than a thousand cars have being stolen. This is why car premiums in the city are remarkably low. You don’t have to worry about leaving your car parked in for days or even weeks!

Odd And Unique Laws In Orlando

Here are few strange rules in the city of Orlando:

  • Drivers should not block wagons paths.
  • Drivers should not fish while crossing a bridge!
  • Swamp buggies were once considered as vehicles (motor).
  • Neutral clutched vehicles should be cast down hill.
  • Even elephant handlers should pay a fixed amount.


Located in the State of Florida, Orlando is a beautiful place with interesting road laws. To reduce your premiums, you should obey all these laws and drive with care.

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